Member of ZEWO
We have been ZEWO-certified since 2018 and are regularly audited across 21 standards in the areas of ethical principles, management and organisation, service performance, finances, networks, fund-raising and communication. Donors can therefore be certain that we work professionally and use the money they entrust to us for its intended purpose.
Annual reports and financial statements
We provide regular reports on our activities. For our annual general meeting, we write and publish an activity report with an annual financial statement and audit report.
All reports are only available in German.
Revenue in 2021
Our donations predominantly come from private individuals. However, for many years we have also enjoyed the support of church congregations, foundations and companies, and also possess our own properties. More detailed information regarding our revenue can be found in our 2021 Annual Report.
Total revenue 2021: CHF 2'729'235

Use of funds in 2021
In 2020, the donations and revenue were used for the below-listed areas. A more detailed itemisation can be found in our 2021 annual report .
Total funds spent in 2021: CHF 2'393'029

Our statutes provide information about the structure, aims and membership rules of our association "Verein Kinderheim SELAM Äthiopien".