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Addis Abeba und Wukro

Children between the ages of 4 and 6 can attend the SELAM kindergarten in Addis Ababa and Wukro. Here, children come into contact with numbers, letters and various themes (family, the human body, animals, etc.) in a playful way. Classes are held in the national language Amharic in Addis Ababa and in Wukro in Tigrinya. The children also learn the alphabet and numbers in English.

361 children in Addis Abeba

369 children in Wukro

(Stand 2023)

Addis Abeba und Wukro

Primary school

In SELAM in Addis Ababa there are two primary schools from grades 1 to 8. In the first level (grades 1 to 4) subjects such as English, mathematics, Amharic, environmental sciences and sports are taught. In the second level (grades 5 to 6) civics, geography, art and music are added. In the third level (grades 7 to 8) biology, physics, chemistry and sociology follow. At the end of grade 8 there is the national exam, which must be passed in order to attend secondary school.

The school program at SELAM Wukro is structured in a similar way and includes grades 1 to 8. In addition to Amharic, the schoolchildren are also taught in Tigrinya (the main language of the Tigray region). The higher grades 9 to 12 are attended by the schoolchildren at schools within walking distance of the children's village.

1'602 schoolchildren in Addis Abeba

669 Schoolchildren in Wukro

(Stand 2023)

Addis Abeba

Secondary school

The SELAM secondary school lasts 4 years and is also divided into two levels. At the end of the 12th school year, the national exam takes place. The points achieved determine whether the graduates can attend a state university, a private university or a college with practical vocational training.

It is also possible to complete an apprenticeship at the SELAM vocational training center . If the required points for one of the above-mentioned tertiary educational institutions are not achieved, there is also the option of completing a short-term course at SELAM.

975 schoolchildren in Addis Abeba

(Stand 2023)

Cover the education costs of SELAM children

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