We are looking for voluntary ambassadors who will represent the concerns of our work in churches. In recent years we have received great support from churches and we would like to further strengthen the network. Would you like to support us? Please get in touch with us via our contact form.
SELAM and Ethiopia provide plenty of scope for talks, whether on the setting-up of SELAM, personal accounts, the history of Ethiopia, the Queen of Sheba, or on Lucy from the Danakil Desert, believed to be 40,000 years old. Please feel free to contact and we are bound to find a suitable solution together.
Confirmation lessons
Events with confirmands are always very special to us, as we are thereby able to introduce a younger generation to the work of SELAM. We are always interested to hear what young people think about organisations like SELAM. Please do not hesitate to contact with us if you are still in search of suitable topics for your confirmation lessons.

Are you planning an upcoming women's coffee morning or an event especially for men or seniors? We like to work with our own images, which we select afresh for each specific event and which we update with regular visits to Ethiopia. We look forward to planning an event with you.
We have put together a summary of all our services for church congregations here:
Do you still have questions regarding our services?
For talks, events and confirmation lessons, please contact our programme director, Christoph Zinsstag ( / +41 79 240 52 83 )
For questions regarding collections and donations, please contact our administration office ( / +41 52 315 32 70 )